Whitegrove Primary

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

Our Aim, Values and Ethos

Our Aim

"Together, We Make Learning Irresistible"

Our Values

As part of our values we will ensure all our children have the skills and knowledge to thrive in a modern world. We will achieve this through our:

6 Rs for learning:

  • Readiness
  • Resourcefulness
  • Resilience
  • Responsibility
  • Reflectiveness
  • Risk Taking

For information, please see this information sheet:

6rs briefing for parents.pdf

 At Whitegrove we will:

  • Provide a safe, happy, stimulating environment
  • Encourage curiosity and inspire a lifelong love of learning
  • Identify and nurture the talents of every child, celebrating their individuality
  • Promote high academic standards
  • Develop caring, independent-thinking, confident and well-balanced young people
  • Promote respect and collaboration with others
  • Put learning into context within the real world.

Our Ethos

Our aspirational outcomes are our ethos. In 2009, the Cambridge Primary Review published their report, having conducted the largest independent study of primary education. They published the following twelve qualities and we have adopted them as our Aspirational Outcomes, as they will be the result of our own Values, the 6Rs for Learning.

The Needs and Capacities of the Individual:


By attending to both their physical and emotional welfare, help children to embrace life with a strong sense of self and a positive outlook both now and into adulthood.


Enable children to develop the necessary tools to be enterprising, successful and lead rewarding lives.


Secure the active, willing and enthusiastic engagement of children in their learning.


Have critical independence of thought and be able to see beyond the surface, discriminating in their choice of activities and relationships.

The individual in relation to others and the wider world:

Encouraging respect and reciprocity:

Understand the importance of mutual respect and courtesy as the foundation of effective relationships.

Promoting interdependence and sustainability:

Recognise the need to work together to protect the natural world, knowing their actions today can make a difference.

Empowering local, national and global citizenship:

Encourage and enable pupils’ participation in decision making at a personal and collective level.

Celebrating culture and community:

Recognise the school is a place of culture that both reflects and returns community values and beliefs.

Learning, knowing and doing:

Exploring, knowing, understanding and making sense:

Provide an environment in which children experiment, discover and wonder at the world in which they live and learn.

Fostering skill:

Promote learning within a context that will equip children for life, with the ability to ally skills and knowledge, providing them with a greater sense of purpose.

Exciting the imagination:

Inspire pupils to extend the boundaries of their lives through looking beyond what is known, and even what they think may be possible.

Enacting dialogue:

Appreciate that learning is a process that requires participation and that collaboration and empathy are essential elements of this.