Whitegrove Primary

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

Year 2 

Home Learning July 2023

Maths Games (optional)

Games will be assigned to your child most weeks on Abacus to practice their maths skills. You can play as many times as you like and change the difficulty of them.

Numbots is also available to practise your number bonds.

The childrens' log ins are on stickers on the inside of their reading record covers. 

Click on the links below to log in:

Abacus log in


Home Learning

The last of Year 2!


Home Learning 13th July

Year 2 Reminders and News

  • Year 2 are now doing PE on a Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure the children bring their indoor and outdoor PE kit in on the Monday morning. 
  •  Home Learning will be sent home every Friday and we would like it back by the following Tuesday. Please hand the Home Learning back in the plastic wallets provided.  
  •  Library books will come home on Fridays for 2E and Thursdays for 2C. Please bring them back by the following Friday or Monday if your child wants to check them out and choose a different book.
  • Home Reading Books- These books are meant to be read more than once so the children become secure with the words and phonic sounds at each colour level. 

Thank you,

The Year 2 Team

Reading Lists

Here are some recommended books for you to read with your children. 

List of 50 books to read in Year 2 

List of 50 books to read in Year 3

Year 2 Common Exception Words

Year 2 Common Exception Words

If you have any spare time and want to do some extra home learning, then practise the Year 2 common exception words throughout the year.

year 2 common exception word chart colour 2 1 .pdf


Learning  for those are at home due to COVID and feeling well enough to work

Here is what a typical day could look like for you:

9.30-10.30 - English Activity

11.00-12.00 - Maths Activity

13.00-15.00 - Topic Activity and Daily Deliberate Practice


Daily Deliberate Practice

This includes:

  • Read a book from Bug Club (the correct reading levels have been allocated to each child)
  • Play a different Abacus maths game each day from the ones already allocated to you
  • Practice either your 10s, 5s, 2s, or 3s times tables or your number bonds to 10 or 20
  • Practice the week's spellings given as homework on this Year 2 webpage

All these links can be found under 'Useful Links' below.

Please do some daily physical activity. If you need any ideas, there are lots to be found in 'Useful Links'.



English Activities

Grammar, puntuation and vocabulary

 Work your way through this booklet. It explains what we want the children to know by the end of Year 2 and there are lots of activities. Pick a couple of activities a day.



Try a fiction and non-fiction reading comprehension of your choice each day. There are 3 options for each comprehensions. 1 star being easier, 2 star being medium, and 3 star being hardest. Do  what challenges you.

Fiction Reading Comprehensions:







Non-Fiction Reading Comprehensions :












Maths Activities

 Work your way through this booklet. It explains what we want the children to know by the end of year 2 and there are lots of activities. Pick a few activities from a section each day.



Topic Activities

Try 1 or 2 a day:



Outdoor Spring Activities

Try 1 a day:









Summer Learning Ideas

Little and often is best to keep your learning going and be ready for September. Make sure you get plenty of rest and have fun too!


Read, read, read

Read a variety of books including online books. Enjoy listening to a grown-up, sibling or audiobook, or read to family members.

Sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge at the local library.



Talk, talk, talk about anything and everything.

Encourage the use of a range of vocabulary and different sentence structures.



Practise the list of common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2.

Common Exception Words



Write messages, cards, postcards, diaries or stories and remember to use your best handwriting.



Counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s from different starting points.

Look for maths in the environment. 

Practise your number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.


Outdoor learning

Get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Have active adventures and see what you can discover.


Useful links


Bug Club

Oxford Owls eBooks

Bracknell Forest Library eBooks & AudiobooksBook Trust eBooks and activities


Abacus Maths Games

Counting in 2s

Counting in 5s

Counting in 10s

Counting in 3s

Number Bonds to 10

Number Bonds to 10 Game

Number Bonds to 20 Game 

Oracy - discussion inspiration

Pobble 365 Pictures

Once Upon a Picture

Physical Development

Milkshake DanceCosmic Yoga

Move It With MaskellBerkshire School Games

PE with Joe Wickes

 Maths Calculation Guidelines

Maths Calculation Examples

SATs Information


Whitegrove SATS Parents Meeting Presentation


Department of Education explanation of SATS:



This document shows the Age Related Expectations (AREs) for Year 2. We teach these across the year and assess the children in many different ways.

Year 2 Age Related Expectations


These examples of writing in Year 2 from the DfE show the expected standard and writing at greater depth.

Year 2 Writing Exemplars


Here are some past SATs papers for you to look at if you want to practice any at home. You don't have to do a whole paper at a time. Just doing parts of a paper now and then will be good practice. 

SATs Reading Papers

The Year 2 children will do two reading papers. Reading paper 1 has the text and the questions in one booklet. Reading paper 2 has a separate reading booklet and a separate question booklet (this is the trickier paper).


Reading- Paper 1 reading prompt and answer booklet

Reading- Paper 2 reading booklet

Reading- Paper 2 reading answer booklet

Reading test mark schemes for papers 1 and 2


Reading- Paper 1 reading prompt and answer booklet

Reading- Paper 2 reading booklet

Reading- Paper 2 reading answer booklet

Reading test mark schemes for Papers 1 and 2


Reading- Paper 1 reading prompt and answer booklet

Reading- Paper 2 reading booklet

Reading- Paper 2 reading answer booklet

Reading test mark schemes for Papers 1 and 2

 SATs Maths Papers

The Year 2 children will be doing two maths papers. There will be an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper. 


Mathematics Administrating Paper 1- Arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 1- Arithmetic

Mathematics Administrating Paper 2- Reasoning

Mathematics Paper 2- Reasoning

Mathematics test mark schemes for Papers 1 and 2



Mathematics Administrating Paper 1 -Arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 1- Arithmetic

Mathematics Administrating Paper 2- Reasoning

Mathematics Paper 2- Reasoning

Mathematics test mark schemes for Papers 1 and 2


Mathematics Administrating Paper 1- Arithmetic

Mathematics Paper 1- Arithmetic

Mathematics Administrating Paper 2- Reasoning

Mathematics Paper 2- Reasoning

Mathematics test mark schemes for Papers 1 and 2